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-   -   No posting of complete news or magazine articles (http://www.dirtydozensbunker.com/showthread.php?t=72250)

Pogo 08-15-2010 10:31 AM

No posting of complete news or magazine articles
No posting of complete articles from any newspaper or magazine in our forum. No more than one paragraphs of any article. And what you post here must not be more than 10% of the total article that you are copying from.

All parts of an articles copied from anywhere on the web must have a link as to where that article came from. We must give credit to the people from which the article came.

If someone sends you a news article in an email it doesn't mean that you can post it in our forum. Correct attribution must be given to the original author. And only a small portion of the article can be posted in our forum.

Do not post pictures from other websites without approval of the owner of the picture.

And do NOT hotlink pictures from other websites. Use your photo gallery in this forum or host your picture on websites such as Photobucket, Flickr, or others.

Czubek 08-15-2010 10:46 AM

Got it.

No posting from greedy dirt bags.

What gets me is, why do these sue happy pigs put every social networking site under the sun under "share and save with their "copyrighted" stories?

Am I missing something here?


flutedchamber 08-15-2010 11:38 AM


Now for a dumb question. It's a newspaper, not a novel. They're 'reporting' the news, not writing a book. I would think it would be difficult to sue over something in a newspaper, unless it was misquoted..but I guess I'm missing something.

10 Bears 08-15-2010 11:47 AM

Scam artists, sue happy and they have found a gold mine.
Forget their articles and let 'em fall on their face.
It cost 'em $40 to copywrite an article, let 'em go broke.

aviator 08-15-2010 12:45 PM

I was just wondering about posting only the link

Icarus 08-15-2010 01:12 PM

what a wonderful world we live in

500grains 08-15-2010 04:19 PM

Never heard of that paper but will leave it alone.

Czubek 08-15-2010 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by Pogo (Post 601698)
As of for now, we want only links to the articles with a general synopsis of what the link is about.

Don't post links to, or anything about the articles in the Las Vegas Review Journal.

We don't want to attract any lawsuits from greedy lawyers.

Here is one article about the subject: http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/201...g-for-dollars/

That's that pile of crap I posted about a while back. Anyone that thinks its alright to make their living off of lawsuits is pure filth and does nothing but harm and produces nothing, but hardship. He'd sue his own mother if there was a nickle in it. He probably already did.


All Right 08-15-2010 07:57 PM

Thanks for the heads up.

I have to wonder about images from these articles? It just dawned on my a couple minutes ago that I posted an image from one of the major online news services in the General Pictures section last week. If you think that will cause any problems, please take it down.

There are some fools in this world that seem to get off trying to make the rest of us miserable.

Won't work with me.:D

10 Bears 08-15-2010 09:52 PM

Once again, there are some folks, in this world, that just need killin'!

Current characters in topic exempted, of course! nono

yyz 08-16-2010 12:31 AM

i'm with 10 Bears need to bring back the "they just needed killing" defense

4thIDvet 08-16-2010 04:25 AM

Will for sure follow the rules Pogo.
But something is wrong here.
While I can understand copy-rite infringements. Which is, I would guess, what he is basing his lawsuits on.
If these lawsuits are not contested and are allowed to stand. This attorney is about to change the course of history and our whole constitution.
Almost ever news broadcast starts out with "It was reported today in newspaper X that the Dow is down." Etc.
I am sure, this attorney, has attracted the attention of all major broadcasting companies.
Law suits work both ways. Someone is going to jump on this guy big time.
That paper and that attorney are playing with fire.
Any story they print "quoting someone" without their permission. Has opened "them" up too a lawsuit.
Have a feeling, this attorney has started a fire, to gain short term cash and fame.
He is going too sue the wrong person and get slapped back to whatever hole he crawled out of.
What is happening too America and our constitution.
Soon we are all going to have too say.
"Now dont quote me on this. But I think I heard a rumor that someone, I forget their name, told me something big happened in Washington today."
Unless someone does something with this guy and soon. Which I am guessing will happen.
America will soon become a land of "no speak."

10 Bears 08-16-2010 08:54 AM

"Keep Your Mouth Shut" "Go With The Flow" "Don't Make Waves"

1stA. and 2ndA. will soon become obsolete articles.

flopshot 08-16-2010 10:10 AM

this was discussed at another forum and it was decided that a lead in sentence followed by the link would be enough. the problem seems to come from someone posting the bulk if not all of the piece without any acknowledgment.
i tend not to forward a bunch of stuff anyway.

ConTender Foot 08-16-2010 11:11 AM

This is about controlling the dissemination of information on the net. They don't want Breibart or even any of us reporting what is being published around the world and therefore can control who hears the message and how it is presented.

Test case for "net neutrality" I say.

Pretty soon we'll just be sitting around talking about the guns we used to have and trying to figure out how Obama got elected president for life.

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