I'm new here. I was born and trained in military tactics in Afghanistan. The guys over at the Democratic Underground warned me that I would not be welcome here because I'm a transvestite, a moslom and black. I like guns though...all my jihad brothers have them. I wear a hijab, a butt plugg and bang my head four times a day. We are everywhere now, and slowly we are taking over from you crusader, Jewish and Christian infidels. Soon this will our new home. Our brother, Barak Obama has made this all possible. You must now submit to Allah.
Allah Akbar!
An X once told me that ever time I cum...a portion of my brain squirted out thru my dick. I think she was right. But it sure does feel good getting stupider. Perhaps soon I will be dumb enough to vote commy....?Comment
A few years ago I spent the month of December in a hospital's bed. It sucked. However, since the entire complex had been merged with Cleveland Clinic it was a different place than it was a few years ago. Gone. Crappy hospital food. You ordered in what you wanted off menus for that week. The healthcare was great also... While I was admitted I was a sick man indeed. Nevertheless I was visited by a gal pal. We went into the shithouse and she fucked me good. A few days later we discovered a staircase that was not apparently used very often. We walked up a flight to the very top. After some "fluffing," she leaned over and placed her hands on the wall as I flipped her dress up...no panties...and eased the bone home.
Who said hospitals were not the place for sexual activities?
The dick must eat!
Last edited by dinkydow; 12-08-2024, 06:50 PM.Comment